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Acne, Eczema, & Psoriasis

Eczema and psoriasis can cause an incredible amount of suffering and debilitation for the millions of people it affects. And yet the answers for how to heal from these conditions aren’t even close to being discovered by medical science and medical research.

Eczema and psoriasis are truly medical mysteries. Not only are their causes unknown, there’s also many varieties of eczema and psoriasis that medical science isn’t aware of. There’s not just a handful of varieties of eczema and psoriasis as currently believed, there’s over 100 of each. With so little understanding of the truth, the treatment options for someone suffering with eczema and psoriasis are also extremely limited and don’t heal the real cause.

The True Cause Of Eczema and Psoriasis

The real cause of eczema and psoriasis stems from the liver. However it’s not a liver disease that can be easily detected with liver tests. For a full understanding of the undiscovered cause of eczema, psoriasis, rosacea (and acne), and how you can heal, check out the book Liver Rescue

There are a specific group of toxins that are not known to conventional or alternative medicine and won’t be singled out for another 30 years or more, which will then be called dermatoxins. These dermatoxins are highly inflammatory toxins released from the liver that only come out through the skin and damage the derma. The skin breaks and bleeds as it tries to eliminate the toxins.

Dermatoxins are created by a pathogen that has made its home in the liver. The pathogen consumes and eliminates copper and this is what creates the dermatoxin that leads to eczema and psoriasis. The copper the pathogen feeds on in the liver is very old copper from generations ago, specifically from the pesticide DDT from 1874 onwards. There were crude early versions of DDT before the 1930’s variety of DDT that is well known. Previous to 1874, eczema and psoriasis was practically unknown. Not only does the copper feed the pathogen, it also stops the DDT from degrading, so eczema and psoriasis doesn’t go away.

The condition is then made worse if someone also has a bad diet that burdens the liver even more, and/or they continue to be exposed to more copper from old copper pipes or pesticides on food or in the environment.

Healing From Eczema & Psoriasis

It’s very possible to heal eczema and psoriasis and be free of it. Now you know the true cause, you can move forward in the right direction.

Firstly, it’s very important to eat as much organic food as you can to limit even more pesticide toxicity. Avoid spraying your lawns and garden too, and avoid using insecticides in your home. Secondly, because the dermatoxins stem from a very overburdened and hard working liver, it’s very important to support the liver by focusing as much as possible on a plant based diet that is low in fat at least during the most difficult times of the condition.

When a pathogen such as Epstein-Barr virus is residing in your liver and feeding off of different toxins such as the heavy metals copper and mercury, disruptive skin conditions can appear. Different pathogens—and even different strains of the same pathogen—have different appetites for different toxins. Depending on which combination is present in your liver, you’ll get a different rash.

The skin reactions form because as the virus feeds off its desired food, it also eliminates it, releasing a much more toxic, destructive form of the original copper or mercury—that is, a dermatoxin. A vaporized methyl toxin, this dermatoxin can travel through connective tissue and organs with ease. If you have a sluggish liver, this remanufactured poison can back up into the lymphatic system find its way up to the skin, leaving deposits in the subcutaneous fatty tissue and getting trapped there.

Releasing dermatoxins to the surface of your skin is your body’s masterful way of protecting you. The dermatoxins are highly inflammatory to skin tissue, causing blemishes, fissures, cracks, scabs, flaking, scarring, bleeding, and rashes of all kinds.

The level to which these symptoms disrupt your life can depend on the strain of EBV or other virus present, the levels of heavy metals or other toxins present inside the liver, how sluggish the liver is, and your current diet, which could contain unhelpful foods that are feeding the underlying cause, the viral strain.

Celery juice destroys the outer cell membrane of the virus and fights back against it, in time lowering your viral load. Celery juice helps restore your immune system to help fight off the virus. It also flushes toxins out of the liver, which is a critical support to help remove the toxic heavy metals that the virus feeds on that causes eczema and psoriasis. It also strengthen a weakened liver, which anyone with eczema and psoriasis has.


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